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Hattie Dyer Elementary

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School/Home Compact

Home_School Compact


2023-24 Dyer Elementary School/Home Compact

As a school family, we each have a responsibility to stay informed by attending meetings and activities at our school and keeping up with parents/teacher communication.  Sometimes we need to ask questions, listen and make sacrifices; but our children are worth it.


1.  We will encourage communication through meetings, conferences, phone calls, notes, e-mails, and newspaper and web publications.

2.  We will teach children how to apply strategies for success.

3.  We will maintain a high quality, supportive, and effective learning environment that exceeds state standards.

4.  We will establish proper rapport and effective, respectful working relationships with parents, students and other staff members.

5.  We will provide opportunities for parent participation through special activities and classroom volunteering, when appropriate, during this unprecedented year.

6.  We will give specific information on how to help children at home to build academic success. 

7.  We will be clear about our classroom expectations with students and parents.

8.  We will inform parents of academic and behavioral improvements and needs.             

                                                Teacher’s signature: _____________________________



1.  We will help teachers and our child by supporting the efforts of the school. 

2.  We will provide a learning environment at home to extend and support homework.

3.  We will participate in meaningful parent/school communication to keep up with our child’s  school progress and welfare. 

4.  We will support our child’s teacher in discussions at home and will bring concerns directly to the teacher rather than the student to maintain a supportive learning environment for our child.

5.  We will maintain up-to-date telephone numbers, medical and other pertinent school information.

6.  We will make sure our child, unless ill is at school every day, all day.

7.  We will ensure our child has the needed rest to perform well at school.

                                                 Parent’s signature: _____________________________




1.  I will do my homework every day and ask for help when I need it.

2.  I will read and practice math facts every day outside of school time.

3.  I will give my parent or responsible adult all notes and information from my school every day.

4.  I will be respectful of self, property and others.

5.  I will always do my best.

                                    Student signature: ________________________


Suggested ways parents can get involved and support learning

•        Attend and participate in the PTO.

•        Attend conferences with the teacher in person or on the phone.

•        Email teachers when questions arise.

•        Read to or listen to my child read daily.

•        Ask my child questions about what they are learning or reading.

•        Involve your child in writing activities at home such as making grocery lists, writing letters, etc. 

•        Involve your child in household projects or take them on outings and use rich language to describe what you are doing or seeing to build vocabulary.

•        Hold your child accountable for homework and household chores to build responsibility.

•        Set aside a dedicated time for homework.

•        Visit the local library to check out books.

•        Eat lunch with your child at school.

•        Volunteer to help at school or at home by preparing materials needed for the teacher’s lessons.

•        Be a guest speaker to discuss your career or expertise with students.

•        Be a guest reader to your child’s class.

•        Monitor parent portal.

•        Share pertinent information about your child with your child’s teacher.

•        Volunteer during lunch or breakfast to assist students.

•        Attend special events such as open house or parent nights.

•        Review and display student work.

•        Praise your child for a job well done and offer help when needed.